Why This Trip?

So why a cross country trip?  Why on motorcycle?  Why solo?  In order to best explain…let me introduce you to my original angel, Beth Seidle.

On November 13th, 2007 I came home to find that my beautiful wife and soon to be mother of our fledgling family had suddenly and without warning passed away and would no longer be an integral player on Team Camacho.  The plans that we had made and the path that our lives were supposed to take, were irreparably altered and forever shattered.  For days I could not focus on anything further away than my next breath and for months afterwards one wave of agonizing pain was crested by another wave of agonizing sorrow.  Let’s just say that it has been a tumultuous few months and I still miss her terribly and only wish that circumstances were different.

A couple of weeks after, I had started to piece my life back together and began to rediscover who I was as a singularity, instead of a pairing, I started dreaming about something that I had put on the back burner years before.  When I was about 22, I had a vision of going cross country and really discovering and experiencing America!  (Yes, Yes, it is very Motorcycle Diaryesque) but nonetheless it was something that I had envisioned and always wondered what it would be like to truly immerse myself in all the greatness that is this nation.

According to the “plan”, I was meant to be a father soon and figured that this would just have to be a fantasy that would have to wait until the children were older or perhaps once I had hit retirement…as that would have been the “responsible” thing to do.  However, seeing that I was once again on my own and very much without and strings…I figured…what the hell if not now…then when!?!?  And so the dream once again took flight and two months after I had the first flights of fantasy I purchased my very first motorcycle, a Honda VTX 1300R, the R is for retro styling, it is so bloody cool!!


Now the original plan, ten years ago, was to put $200.00 in my pocket and see how far I could make it…work the odd job here and there and perhaps barter skills or labor for food, lodging, and fuel.  That was then, now I really want to stop in a nice hotel if my back begins to hurt!!  Perhaps a spa, or massage if my legs or rear begin to ache after several weeks on the road.  But the spirit of the trip still lives on, an opportunity to re-examine who I am, what I have to offer, and discover what my next chapter will look like.  This is why the solitude is so very important to me, an opportunity to allow the only sounds to be my engine purring and my mind whirring.  A chance to let my thoughts wander where they may and truly see into the essence of my being.  The bike is my modern horse and like an old time explorer I will pursue my Manifest Destiny and uncover what lies beyond the very flat river of grass of Florida.

 One Sexy Hottie



31 Responses to “Why This Trip?”

  1. Your courage is an inspiration.

    I love you, Jorge.

    God Bless You,


  2. I am so excited for you Jorge. You are amazing!

  3. I can think of nothing more fitting for you right now… let the wind be at your back and Beth guiding you with her light from above. She will show you the way to whatever it is you need next in life. Love you,

  4. God Bless you Jorge on this journey. Beth will be right beside you with her hair blowing in the wind. May she help you discover more of who you are and who you are to become. You will be in my thoughts…..

  5. Good Luck on Your Grand Odyssey! Looking forward to watching your journey progress! We hope you find the answers your looking in beauty of our countryside. Stay away from the really sleazy biker bars….
    Take Care of Yourself – Jamie & Shannon

  6. I love you Jorge and I know that our angel will be with you everywhere you go leading with her heart as she alwasy does allowing you to figure out your greatness. Fly be free!!! And for a moment maybe you will presence what she was looking for.
    Antonio, Erick and I adore you and love you so much.

  7. Jorge, what a wonderful adventure! I admire your courage and applaud your bravado. May this time allow you to reflect, to grow and to explore our vast country.

    Cuidate mucho, Vicky

  8. Jorge,
    Great trip. Keep your eyes open because drivers don’t see you and enjoy all the smells, something I remember from my trip 300 years ago. See ya. Jay

  9. I hope you find some peace and please wear a helmet.
    Love you, Georgia

  10. Good Luck on your trip Jorge! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, and take TONS of photos. I expect to see a slideshow next year, consider it your summer photo project from me.


  11. Deep peace of the running waves to you.
    Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
    Deep peace of the smiling stars to you.
    Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
    Deep peace of the watching shepherds to you.
    Deep of the Son of Peace to you.
    “An Old Gaelic Prayer”
    This is the right thing to do at the right time. Be at peace. Be safe. Be sure to call your mother.

  12. Jorge, I have enjoyed working with you and have admired your enthusiasm and spirit. Now,since your terrible loss, I have come to admire your courage in the face of tragedy. As a volunteer at the Children;s Bereavement Center, I think of you often. Have a great trip! Jane

  13. Thank you for sharing the pictures and your story. You are a true inspiration. I will be thinking and praying for you all summer.
    Diana – Business Office

  14. Jorge, You led (ok, PUSHED) me on my own journey toward true love. THANK YOU! I wish you only the best as you journey for your love. . . and I hope your ass doesn’t hurt too much over the bumps! Love, Kathryn

  15. I was surprised when Beth’s name showed up on my facebook. I believe that it happened for a reason today. I am not sure what it means but will spend time thinking about it and I am sure the message will come to me. I have been inspired by you from the first day we met and now your courage and tenacity touches my soul. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers this summer. I am certain that you will find what you are looking for. I love you, Jody

  16. Jorge… Beth told me to check out your site (she updated her facebook page!) — I look forward to seeing all the photos from your adventure and reading your inspirational words of wisdom as you travel America! (Sounds like it would make a good book too!)

    Have fun and watch out for the bugs while you cruise!

  17. I love you Jorge and hope you have a great trip… I will admit I cried my eyes out when I read this, but you are so strong for still having hope and faith in your dreams.

    Drive safe… And savour the moment!


  18. Mr. Solis,

    As always, you are an inspiration. I am excited for your journey and adventure, not only throughout the country but for the inner journey about to unfold. May they both provide you memories and treasures to cherish for a lifetime.

    As you ride on, remember … (the mom in me has to say it)… Be careful on that motorcycle!!! Make sure the risks you take are worth taking.

    Have a blast and keep us all posted. I love you!!!! Yvette

  19. Jorge….
    You are an inspiration to all. Do it all while you can, I am next to you in a cloud wishing I was there.
    Beautiful words you wrote. Wishing you fresh wind in your face and a bug in your teeth.
    Al Camacho

  20. Wow Jorge, this is really cool and so inspiring. I know that Beth will be by your side screaming WOOHOO and having a hell of a time watching you live out what you have envisioned for yourself. This is so exciting. Please be safe and keep us posted. Love you much…

  21. WOW. Although this dream of yours comes at a time of sorrow, it is sure to be a time of life experiences way over due. I wish you wind on your back to help you on your way. Have a great trip. I look forward to reading your blogs along the way.

  22. Jorge,
    Your spirit is truly amazing. Please know that I (and so many others) are sending you love and light with every step of your journey.

  23. I dont know what to say quite frankly, but i am so saddend by your loss and change in plans. we all wanted it. But following ur dreams and ur once innner young man’s thirst to explore the world will bring sunsets of love. i feel a firey hope and desrire for your trip and your new found glory, whatever that may entail.

  24. So by now i am sure you are on your way. Life is such a puzzle we only get pieces as we grow. Be safe have fun keep posting so we all can know what you have been up to. See you when you get back.
    much love Sheila

  25. We just got back in town….checking in with you….Saw the pictures….You look great! We are thinking of you and following along with your journey! Terri, Steve & Chase wish you the best! Drive carefully….We love you!

  26. I have been hesitant to write to you on here, but I do check it everyday and I keep you in my prayers. You are an amazing person and I hope that you have a peaceful, enjoyable journey. Stay safe! I can imagine Beth having the time of her life with you… iluminating the world like always!
    With love & admiration,
    Mercy & family

  27. Hey buddy! This is your second teir of support just letting you know that your are always in our thoughts and prayers. There is nothing you can’t do! We truly love you Jorge, and hope that we can see you soon.


  28. Dear Jorge,
    I was friends with Beth in junior high school and have thought about her through the years. I recently got in touch with a mutual friend (you may know her~ Patty Beck) and she broke the news to me. I am sad I will never get to know the adult Beth. But viewing your webpage game me an insight of who she became. She was always an amazing spirit to me. Even at the tender age of thirteen, she was so ambitious and strong and beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to view your wonderful webpage.

  29. Jorge,
    I am an old friend of Beth’s from Gratigny Elementary and Thomas Jefferson Junior High. I just heard the tragic news today and am deeply sorry for your loss. Although Beth’s life was cut short, it is obvious she touched a lot of people in her short time here. I am proud to have known such a compassionate, caring, and givig human being. I will always remember her fondly. I wish you all the best.

  30. Jorge,
    I am an old friend of Beth’s from elementary school. I just learned of the news of Beth today and am truly saddened and so sorry for your loss. Beth was my first friend in Kindergarten and I remember playing patty cake with her under the tree during recess like it was yesterday. I lost touch with beth after junior high and I always wondered about what she would become. She was so beautiful and charming. U seem like a great guy and u were both so lucky to find each other if only for a little while. Thank you for this website. It is great to see pictures of her and read things about her after all these years. Good luck to u;)

  31. Camach you’re my boy

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